const LANGUAGE = {
noResultsFound: '{% trans %}No results found.{% endtrans %}',
internalServerError: '{% trans %}Internal Server Error{% endtrans %}',
noDataAvailableInTable: '{% trans %}No data available in table.{% endtrans %}',
selectHotel: 'Select hotel',
confirm: {
yes: '{% trans %}Yes!{% endtrans %}'
imageUtil: {
setDefault: "{% trans %}Image set default successfully.{% endtrans %}",
loader: {
title: "{% trans %}Drop files here or click to upload.{% endtrans %}",
message: "{% trans %}Only image files are allowed for upload.{% endtrans %}",
label: "{% trans %}Upload Images{% endtrans %}",
maxFiles: "{% trans %}You have exceeded the maximum number of files.{% endtrans %}",
imageCropped: "{% trans %}Image added to gallery successfully.{% endtrans %}",
remove: {
title: '{% trans %}Are you sure?{% endtrans %}',
text: '{% trans %}Are you sure want to delete this image?{% endtrans %}',
type: '{% trans %}warning{% endtrans %}',
button: '{% trans %}Yes!{% endtrans %}',
success: '{% trans %}Image successfully deleted!{% endtrans %}'
fromUrl: {
doNotImportImage: '{% trans %}Please insert a image url to add to gallery.{% endtrans %}',
messageImageLoader: '{% trans %}Images successfully added!{% endtrans %}'
cropper: {
close: "{% trans %}Close{% endtrans %}",
move: "{% trans %}Move{% endtrans %}",
crop: "{% trans %}Crop{% endtrans %}",
reset: "{% trans %}Reset{% endtrans %}",
clear: "{% trans %}Clear{% endtrans %}",
save: "{% trans %}Save{% endtrans %}",
zoomIn: "{% trans %}Zoom In{% endtrans %}",
zoomOut: "{% trans %}Zoom Out{% endtrans %}",
moveLeft: "{% trans %}Move Left{% endtrans %}",
moveRight: "{% trans %}Move Right{% endtrans %}",
moveUp: "{% trans %}Move Up{% endtrans %}",
moveDown: "{% trans %}Move Down{% endtrans %}",
rotateLeft: "{% trans %}Rotate Left{% endtrans %}",
rotateRight: "{% trans %}Rotate Right{% endtrans %}",
flipHorizontal: "{% trans %}Flip Horizontal{% endtrans %}",
flipVertical: "{% trans %}Flip Vertical{% endtrans %}",
color: "{% trans %}Color{% endtrans %}",
photoType: "{% trans %}Variant{% endtrans %}",
description: "{% trans %}Description{% endtrans %}",
aspectRatio: "{% trans %}Aspect Ratio{% endtrans %}"
numberFormatUtil: {
validationMin: "{% trans %}Please enter a value greater than {min}{% endtrans %}",
validationMax: "{% trans %}Please enter a value less than {max}{% endtrans %}"
calendarUtil: {
yes: '{% trans %}Yes!{% endtrans %}',
from: '{% trans %}From{% endtrans %}',
to: '{% trans %}To{% endtrans %}',
cancel: '{% trans %}Cancel{% endtrans %}',
edit: '{% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %}',
copy: '{% trans %}Copy{% endtrans %}',
delete: '{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}',
move: '{% trans %}Move{% endtrans %}',
close: '{% trans %}Close{% endtrans %}',
toEdit: '{% trans %}SELECTED DATES EDIT FOR THIS RATE{% endtrans %}',
toDelete: '{% trans %}SELECTED DATES DELETE FOR THIS RATE{% endtrans %}',
toStartCopy: '{% trans %}TO START DATE FOR COPY TO THIS RATE{% endtrans %}',
toStartCopyOther: '{% trans %}THIS DATES COPY TO OTHER RATES{% endtrans %}',
toStartMove: '{% trans %}TO START DATE FOR MOVE TO THIS RATE{% endtrans %}'
dataTable: {
decimal: "",
emptyTable: "{% trans %}No data available in table.{% endtrans %}",
info: "{% trans %}Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries.{% endtrans %}",
InfoEmpty: "{% trans %}Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries.{% endtrans %}",
infoFiltered: "",
lengthMenu: "{% trans %}Show _MENU_ entries.{% endtrans %}",
sInfo: "{% trans %}Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries.{% endtrans %}",
sInfoEmpty: "{% trans %}Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries.{% endtrans %}",
loadingRecords: "{% trans %}Loading...{% endtrans %}",
search: "{% trans %}Search:{% endtrans %}",
zeroRecords: "{% trans %}No matching records found{% endtrans %}",
aria: {
sortAscending: ":{% trans %}activate to sort column ascending{% endtrans %}",
sortDescending: ":{% trans %}activate to sort column descending{% endtrans %}"
processing: '<div class="spinner-grow " role="status">' +
'<span class="sr-only"></span>' +
paginate: {
first: "{% trans %}First{% endtrans %}",
last: "{% trans %}Last{% endtrans %}",
next: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right" ></i>',
previous: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-left" ></i>'
dateFormat: {
minDate: 'please enter a valid date',
maxDate: 'please enter a valid date'
passwordMatchUtil: {
PleaseEnterPasswordFirst: '{% trans %}Please enter an appropriate password first{% endtrans %}',
DoesNotMatchPassword: '{% trans %}Does not match password{% endtrans %}'
logViewer: {
copy: '{% trans %}Copy{% endtrans %}',
toggleOpen: '{% trans %}Open{% endtrans %}',
toggleClose: '{% trans %}Close{% endtrans %}'
generalSettings: {
save : '{% trans %}Setting saved.{% endtrans %}'